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- Psaltery & Lyre’s New Site
- 123 Psaltery & Lyre: “Agricola Dreams of Flying” by J. Rose Lara
- 122 Psaltery & Lyre: “Communion: a love poem (a villanelle)” by Rachel Bollinger
- Book Review: Philip Metres’s Sand Opera
- 121 Psaltery & Lyre: Rachael Matthews, “Horsehead Nebula”
- Book Review: Monica Ong’s Silent Anatomies
- 120 Psaltery & Lyre: Rachael Matthews, “Return, pt. III” and “Gaia”
- Book Review: Claudia Rankine’s Don’t Let Me Be Lonely
- Book Review: Matthea Harvey, If the Tabloids Are True What Are You?
- Book Review: LoterÃa Cards and Fortune Poems: A Book of Lives
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Latest Headlines
Ride to Church in Brazil
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us all the way from Itatiba, Brazil (which is on the eastern side, outside... -
24 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: “We know that. . .”
I pick it up, open it, and read this sentence on page 3: “We know that gender was set in... -
On turning 12
I am fifteen years into this whole parenthood project and I am only sort of embarrassed to admit that I... -
23 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats (Link Correction)
The Mormon in the Cheap Seats post you’re looking for is here: https://dovesandserpents.org/2012/03/23-mcs-a-few-questions/ -
23 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: A Few Questions?
1) Why is it so hard, when it comes to women, for Mormons to understand that being valuable is not... -
Grondahl 14
For other cartoons in this series, click here. This cartoon, as always, is posted with the kind permission of... -
Walk to Church in San Jose, Costa Rica
So I’ve got one more ride to church from the two weeks I spent in Costa Rica in January. ... -
The Hallelujah Chorus
Let’s just get the Shrek connection out of the way. The strange inclusion of the song “Hallelujah” in the enormously... -
16 Dear Jack: McLDS
Dear Jack, What, exactly, is The Handbook? Is it scripture? Is it not scripture? Is it revelation? Is it not... -
Grondahl 13
For other cartoons in this series, click here. This cartoon, as always, is posted with the kind permission of... -
A Preview of Things to Come?
My son is the only boy in his Primary class, which makes him the only soon-to-be Young Man in the... -
I Missed the Sweet Spot
Sigh. I’ve been so anxious for my kids to get older, I forgot to enjoy what I’m now realizing... -
My Emails with Andre
O Lord, how long shall thy hand be stayed from, and thine eye behold, the wrongs of thy people and... -
15 Dear Jack: It’s All True
“There is no one thing that’s true. It’s all true.” -
Grondahl 12
For other cartoons in this series, click here. This cartoon, as always, is posted with the kind permission of... -
Walk to Two Churches in Santa Elena, Costa Rica
I spent the first two weeks of 2012 in Costa Rica (and have written about it here and here). ... -
22 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Look Mom, No Hands!
It’s a “Look Ma, No Hands!” approach to issue management. We want to say, “look, we aren’t racists, and we... -
So You Think You Can Write LDS Newsroom Press Releases
There’s a little known LDS tradition that on Leap Day, ordinary members of the church can write fantasy press releases... -
The Sacredness of Manhood
Today’s guest post comes to us from Angela Felsted, who is a musician, poet, and nature lover. Her work has... -
Onward and Upward
My son made a basket during the final game of his fifth grade basketball season yesterday! It was a beautiful... -
Ride to Church in Columbus, Mississippi
Today’s ride to church comes to us from Lori in Columbua, Missippi. Thanks, Lori! -
21 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Half a Foot (or Church)
The “nicer” men are about the patriarchal structure of the church, the more likely it is to be perpetuated. The... -
Updated :Grondahl 11– caption contest
The cartoon for this caption contest is VERY open-ended. Again, remember that if you know the original caption, don’t tell!... -
A gift of bread or stones?
If a gift harms someone, is it really a gift? Can we tell the difference between bread and rocks, or... -
Why don’t Mormons celebrate Lent?
Today is Ash Wednesday. Before I spent eight years in Louisiana, I would not even have known what Ash... -
Ebony and Ivory: discussing the politics of race with young children
In the post-Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday period and in the midst of Black History Month, my kindergartner has had... -
Grondahl 10
Poor guy must be at Utah State instead of BYU. For other cartoons in this series, click here. ;... -
20 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Half a Church
I have brought my daughter, dressed up and nervous with anticipation, gift in hand, to a birthday party where the... -
Ride to Church and a Volcano in La Fortuna, Costa Rica
I spent the first two weeks of 2012 in Costa Rica with 18 female undergraduate students from my university. ... -
14 Dear Jack: Self-Love
We can and should make ethical and moral choices about our sexual behavior, but attaching that morality to perfectly healthy... -
Defying Gender Stereotypes
This is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a long time. I’m thrilled to share this with... -
Too Late to Party Like It’s 1999?
As a Mormon, my “one-true” nightclubbing years were spent as a newly wed trying to prove I was much older... -
Where the Rubber Meets the Road
In the space of just four weeks during the most recent holiday season, I had to purchase three new tires... -
Grondahl 9
If you’d like to see other cartoons in this series go to https://dovesandserpents.org/category/columns/grondahl-restored/ This cartoon, as always, is posted with... -
Inviting the demons in for tea
As my son and I approached the enclosure at the dog park yesterday, we were excited to see another Samoyed... -
Staff Stacks
What the D&S writers are reading, watching, listening to, eating and browsing right now. -
Are all white people racist?
I recently saw this embarrassment of a video on Facebook: http://youtu.be/XGeMy-6hnr0 There are so many things wrong with the video,... -
Every Mother’s Nightmare
“Unspeakable” is an interesting way for me to label this crime, especially considering statistics show an American is sexually assaulted... -
Grondahl 8
If you’d like to see other cartoons in this series go to https://dovesandserpents.org/category/columns/grondahl-restored/ This cartoon, as always, is posted with... -
On Thin Places
I’ve been chewing my way through The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith by Marcus Borg, a professor... -
Ride to Church in Edmonton
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us from Terry in Edmonton, who writes: I live in Edmonton, which is in... -
13 Dear Jack: Don’t Lose Heart
; Dear Jack, My shifting faith away from Mormonism hasn’t created a problem with my parenting decisions – until now... -
Mind the Gap
I recently re-read Carol Lynn Pearson’s amazing No More Goodbyes: Circling the Wagons around Our Gay Loved Ones for the... -
Rogue Cinema: Enjoy the Silence
The Artist is a bold, artsy stroke hidden in a big-hearted familiar story, or maybe it’s the other way around?... -
19 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Organizational Physics
So here it is. The one inmutable law of organizations. As long as #4 is greater than #2,... -
Ride to Church in Vienna
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us from Dean, who is living in Vienna, Austria right now. Dean writes:... -
Grondahl 7
I love Grondahl’s representation of people. Mormon people, as lumpy, tired, pasty people. And, the kids, monstrous kids, running wild... -
Dog Heaven
. You know how we all imagine that ‘dog heaven’ will be a place where dogs get to do what...