Updated :Grondahl 11– caption contest

The cartoon for this caption contest is VERY open-ended. Again, remember that if you know the original caption, don’t tell! I’ll reveal the original next Saturday, along with the winner of the contest, who receives nothing but accolades and bragging rights.

Here’s the  original Grondahl cartoon:
As for the winner of the contest, it was close– but the honor goes to Lorian, with  “Do you think these shorts are long enough to keep me from getting an Honor Code violation?”I used this cartoon in Relief Society once for a lesson on teaching kids about sex. It set the tone for a really good discussion of the topic. (This was before the unfortunate series of Presidents of the Church manuals.)
For other cartoons in this series,  click here.
This cartoon, as always, is posted with the kind permission of    The Sunstone  Foundation, the publisher, and  Calvin Grondahl.

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