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- Psaltery & Lyre’s New Site
- 123 Psaltery & Lyre: “Agricola Dreams of Flying” by J. Rose Lara
- 122 Psaltery & Lyre: “Communion: a love poem (a villanelle)” by Rachel Bollinger
- Book Review: Philip Metres’s Sand Opera
- 121 Psaltery & Lyre: Rachael Matthews, “Horsehead Nebula”
- Book Review: Monica Ong’s Silent Anatomies
- 120 Psaltery & Lyre: Rachael Matthews, “Return, pt. III” and “Gaia”
- Book Review: Claudia Rankine’s Don’t Let Me Be Lonely
- Book Review: Matthea Harvey, If the Tabloids Are True What Are You?
- Book Review: LoterÃa Cards and Fortune Poems: A Book of Lives
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Columns Archive
Independence Day
Becoming a citizen was a long, expensive process for my husband. I can’t imagine how difficult it was for... -
Erin’s Ride to a 10-Day Silent Vipassana Course
Our beloved Erin just wrapped up a 10-day silent vipassana meditation retreat, or as some people call it, “meditation boot... -
This Wild Playground
This week I found myself hanging upside-down from aerial silks in an artist’s studio in Oakland, when the blasphemous words... -
01 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: On Being a Church Loser
If my religion were a sports stadium, then I’m in the nosebleed section. I’ve got a big Diet Coke, a... -
Winter’s Bone
Among its confluence of forces and traditions, it is impossible to ignore that the mythological potential of America is enabled,... -
Joining the Jesus Freaks
Do we believe, deep down, that the poor are that way because God wants them to be? -
The Evil One
Does reading make you a better person? -
The Great I AM
Stopped at a light one Saturday morning, I met some teenage girls and their mothers with buckets requesting money to... -
JaneAnne’s Ride to Church in Portland
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us from the West Coast–Portland, Oregon. JaneAnne writes: “I live in Willamette Heights, Northwest... -
Patriarchs I Have Known and Loved
My father grew up in a troubled home, poor as coal dust. A child of the depression and of divorce,... -
Joseph Smith and the Archetypes of the Collectively Unconscious Male
In their 1990 publication, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine, Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette... -
Men On Film
As part of this week’s discussion on “Mature Masculinity,” I thought I’d take a closer look at films and television... -
Proxy Work
As a lone-parent, five-child family on welfare, we were hardly the ideal Mormon family. -
‘Men’ in the Dock
This is a post about men. This is a post about women. No wait, this is a post about ‘men’.... -
Atticus Finch: Fatherhood Gold Standard
For years, I’ve cited To Kill a Mockingbird as my favorite book whenever asked. But I’ve read a lot of... -
Burying the Weapons
When I became a mother I was certain my children would grow up enlightened. And for me enlightenment meant my... -
A Most Important Proclamation
When I was about six years old, my Dad walked me to primary class. We passed a man in the... -
Heidi & Torben’s Ride to Church in Long Melford, England
Today’s ride to church comes to Doves & Serpents from our beloved Heidi, who writes Stacks for us every Tuesday,... -
Welcome to ‘Mature Masculinity Week’
Grr! Hmph! (Flex!) It’s Father’s Day, and that means that the next seven days on D&S will be dedicated to... -
Stories and Stone
Having arrived in London last week on an ordinary mid-week mid-morning, I exited the lofty frame of St Pancras International... -
No Soup For You!
I recently read this article in the Orlando Sentinel reporting on a third round of arrests of activists arrested for... -
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall . . .
My 14-year-old daughter recently said, “Mom, do you realize how many of your sentences begin with, ‘I just finished reading... -
Staff Stacks
Take a look at what we’re into right now. -
Fear Factor
I am terrified right now. In fact, I literally just sent a text to a friend that read, “I am... -
Be Ye Therefore Perfect
26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over... -
Battles – ‘Gloss Drop’ Tour, London
From the packed-in floor of a dark club (under Victorian railway tracks), and through the dancing columns of sound and... -
I Love the Smell of K-Y Warming Jelly ® in the Morning, or, Marital Apocalypse Delayed
Although best known for “The Seventh Seal” and other serious “art house” films, I suggest Ingmar Bergman’s best work is... -
The Parable of the Potato Soup
Once upon a time, a woman in our ward (=church congregation) had a baby. In typical fashion, the women at... -
It’s obvious that female writers and male writers are equals and “greatness” is highly subjective so we don’t have to... -
The Memory Keeper
They say 3 moves purges as much stuff as a fire. I’m testing that theory this summer. I moved last... -
Paula’s ride to church in Trenton, Utah
I made a visit to my hometown in mid April, so I took some photos of my mom’s ride to... -
Gosford Park
After recently bingeing on the award-winning and critically acclaimed BBC mini-series Downton Abbey, the drama-comedy Gosford Park caught my eye... -
The Birdnapper
“He fell out of the nest two stories up yesterday. I think the parents have given up on him,”... -
Teens and Social Media
I have a 14-year-old daughter, so I have many opportunities to think about teens, texting, and Facebook. We got her... -
It’s Not You, It’s Me
I loved this recent segment from NPR’s All Songs Considered about the bands that contributors have broken up with over... -
Remember When . . .
When we are weary and in need of strength We remember them When we are lost and sick at heart... -
Living Rapturously
A week ago, some of us were waiting with bated breath to find out if Harold Camping had crunched the... -
The Grovers’ Ride to Church in Vegas!
This week’s Ride to Church comes to us from Las Vegas! Two notes from Tom: Although Las Vegas has a... -
Papa, Watch me Fly!
On Sunday nights, we gather all the piles of clean laundry into the living room and fold it while watching... -
Money Memory #1: A few years ago I found $20 in an old canvas purse. I should note that it... -
Sometimes it pays to be the squeaky wheel
My son Stuart’s end-of-the-year dance recital was last Saturday night. He looked like a million bucks up there on stage... -
Return and Report: A Visit From the Goon Squad
Welcome back to Return and Report, a segment on Stacks where I give brief reports on what I’ve been reading... -
By the Cut of Their Hair, Ye Shall Know Them
It’s summer buzz time at our house. The last week of school marks the time that hair standards are drastically... -
Tina Fey’s Arithmetic Mean Girl
Does anyone remember the ABC After School Specials that ran from 1972–1997? I do. In fact I remember once fantasizing... -
The Illusion of Equality
Today, a guest post from Helen. I read a review of Rebecca Asher’s book the week it came out in... -
Derall’s Ride to Church in Arizona
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us from sunny Arizona. Derall says: “It is 70 degrees as we walk out... -
Love letters to Amy Poehler
A few years ago I was crossing Castro street in San Francisco after a yoga class when I was stopped...