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- Psaltery & Lyre’s New Site
- 123 Psaltery & Lyre: “Agricola Dreams of Flying” by J. Rose Lara
- 122 Psaltery & Lyre: “Communion: a love poem (a villanelle)” by Rachel Bollinger
- Book Review: Philip Metres’s Sand Opera
- 121 Psaltery & Lyre: Rachael Matthews, “Horsehead Nebula”
- Book Review: Monica Ong’s Silent Anatomies
- 120 Psaltery & Lyre: Rachael Matthews, “Return, pt. III” and “Gaia”
- Book Review: Claudia Rankine’s Don’t Let Me Be Lonely
- Book Review: Matthea Harvey, If the Tabloids Are True What Are You?
- Book Review: LoterÃa Cards and Fortune Poems: A Book of Lives
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Columns Archive
Guest Post Invitation: It’s SEX Guest-Post Month
If we approach the question of sex from the perspective that it is our responsibility as parents to teach our... -
Mutual Improvement Associations: Wednesday Nights
My son is a bit of a puppy dog, though more bounding Great Dane than docile lap dog. He is... -
Grondahl 20
Grondahl explains the wing issue. For other cartoons in this series, click here. This cartoon, as always, is posted... -
30 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Higher Education?
Harvard Business School has its issues, as does any organization. But I believe that its values of openness, tentativeness,... -
Grondahl 19
Sorry for the lag in posts. It’s been a lousy few weeks at my house the last month or so.... -
On immodest angels . . .
I’m not a fan of censorship. Don’t even get me started on book banning. So when I saw... -
Our Favorite Mormons: “Man-Who-Takes-Himself-Apart”
Generally, we’ll try to avoid showcasing General Authorities of the LDS Church as a part of this series, not because... -
To my Children’s Other-Mothers
Mother’s Day is not my favorite for a number of reasons. Sometimes I wish that Mother’s Day meant I... -
Staff Stacks
What we’re into now. -
Better Safe than Sorry
Last week our little town had a kerfuffle (although some would say it was much more than a kerfuffle). ... -
It’s the blessings in life, not in self, that they mean to express. -
Mutual Improvement Associations: Moving Day
This is the first of at least four pieces in a Sanctuary series – Mutual Improvement Associations – wherein I... -
Jog to Churches in Vancouver, BC
In late April, I went to Vancouver, BC for a work conference. As I was packing, I briefly considered... -
29 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: David Foster Wallace, Cement Mixers, and Mormonism
We get to grapple with our own spiritual ineptness, sling it over our shoulders, cart it home, and store it... -
Sunday Takes a Mallet to My Head
Usually a very confident person, I avoided their eyes, smiled at their foreheads, and slunk behind the piano. The chorister... -
Stuart, Swimming Upstream
Two dumb things happened to Stuart this week. Exhibit A: Stuart and Marin participated in a dance competition in... -
Our Favorite Mormons: Alice Louise Reynolds, Our Absent-Minded Professor
If you haven’t met her, I’d like to introduce you to Alice Louise Reynolds, a “founder” of The Lord’s University,... -
Grondahl 18
For other cartoons in this series, click here. This cartoon, as always, is posted with the kind permission of... -
28 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Cognitive Dissonance 101
I have remarked more than once that Mormons are often able to juggle contradictory ideas without, apparently, even being aware... -
Ride to Church in St. Paul, Minnesota
We bought a new (to us) house in March and thus had to pack up all of our belongings. ... -
No Child Left Untested
This is a pretty tired subject, I realize. I’m a professor in a teacher education program, so we talk... -
Last Ride to Church in Paradise, Utah
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us from Carole, who documented the last Sunday meetings were held in the LDS... -
17 Dear Jack: The Gospel is True, but the People Aren’t
There are ideals that can point us toward a more enlightened way of being and behaving, but there is no... -
Proof that Society has Jumped the Shark?
Stealing a line from my high school friend, Jeremy, who posted this video gem on Facebook today, along with this... -
27 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: The CleanFlix Documentary
CLEANFLIX raises provocative questions about censorship and consumer rights as well as Mormon approaches to art and sex. . .... -
Our Favorite Mormons–Ithamar Sprague
Doves & Serpents is initiating a new feature we call “Our Favorite Mormons.” Consider it a biographical and uncorrelated version... -
My Own Personal Canon: The Learn’d Astronomer
Lately, I have been spending a portion of nearly every evening stargazing in my backyard. There is a beautiful quality... -
Ride to Church in Bowling Green, Ohio
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us from Alex in Bowling Green, Ohio. Alex writes: “My Ride to Church... -
Grondahl 17
One of my (many) favorites: For other cartoons in this series, click here. This cartoon, as always, is posted... -
Unforgettable Images
Many Mormons (adults included) don’t watch R-rated movies. The oft-cited rationale is that once you see those images (“those... -
On Being Cut Out of the Program
We had a beautiful Easter weekend that included a blissful day of cousin-ing with two out of my three siblings... -
Grondahl 16
For other cartoons in this series, click here. This cartoon, as always, is posted with the kind permission of... -
Ride to Church in Newcastle-under-Lyme (Staffordshire, England)
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us from Elissa in Staffordshire, England. Elissa writes: Newcastle-under-Lyme is a market town... -
26 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Joanna, Mr. Hancock, and Mormonism Lite
As parents, what do we value more from our four-year-olds? A paint-by-the-numbers portrait identical to what’s on the box,... -
25 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Conference Weekend and Rolexes
I’ll walk around for a while, mesmerized by scale and luster of it, and then I’ll remember that the development-everything,... -
Grondahl 15, Conference
For other cartoons in this series, click here. This cartoon, as always, is posted with the kind permission of... -
Sunday Afternoon Drive
Here’s a twist on our usual Ride to Church. These pictures were taken at a nearby drive-thru animal safari... -
The Lovin’ Spoonful
I don’t want you to feel “Jealousy,” really, I don’t. Still, you might be a teensy bit covetous when you... -
Reconsider Reading The Book of Mormon to Your Kids
Today’s guest post, written by Angela, is based on “Consider Skipping Hunger Games” by James T. Summerhays. ; As a... -
On Packing (and unpacking) a Life
My family and I just moved from one house to another in the same town, so I know precisely how... -
Ride to Church in Brazil
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us all the way from Itatiba, Brazil (which is on the eastern side, outside... -
24 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: “We know that. . .”
I pick it up, open it, and read this sentence on page 3: “We know that gender was set in... -
On turning 12
I am fifteen years into this whole parenthood project and I am only sort of embarrassed to admit that I... -
23 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: A Few Questions?
1) Why is it so hard, when it comes to women, for Mormons to understand that being valuable is not... -
Grondahl 14
For other cartoons in this series, click here. This cartoon, as always, is posted with the kind permission of...