Modesty for Men

depends_450The LDS Church recently implemented a pilot program in the East Apple 2nd Stake in Nevada.

Each ward was instructed to form a “modesty” committee comprised entirely of women.   It was to be chaired by the Relief Society president. The committee’s task was to define modesty standards for their respective wards.

The women on these committees got right to work. After several weeks of prayerful deliberation, they determined that the men (and boys) in the stake were dressing immodestly.

Here is a transcript of part of a joint priesthood and relief society meeting (held during 3rd hour) in one of the wards:

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MEN: Why did the committee choose to focus on just two items?

WOMEN: We fasted and prayed, and then determined that these were the two issues that cause us, as women, the most discomfort. For a number of us, these issues incite lustful thoughts and make it hard for us to feel the spirit.

MEN: Just to clarify, what qualifies as man-boobs, and what does the committee mean by proper support?

WOMEN: We think that’s something each man should prayerfully consider. In general, if jiggling or jostling is visible underneath a typical dress shirt, then additional support should be worn.

MEN: But why is this a problem? It’s never been a problem before?

WOMEN: All we can say is that the women on our committee identified this as a particularly difficult issue. Men need to be more aware of the kinds of thoughts that their clothing can inspire. They need to be considerate of the women in the ward and do everything they can so that women can come here on Sunday and feel the spirit. All the men in this room, ask yourself, do you want to be responsible for a mother, or a wife, or a daughter being unable to feel the spirit because they are distracted by your unsupported and undulating flesh?

MEN: But no one makes bras for men? Where are we supposed to get them?

WOMEN: We’ve been assured that they are available in the marketplace (see

MEN: We don’t understand the second item.

WOMEN: We wanted to address this one second. It’s a bigger problem than moobs. Apparently, this behavior is sometimes referred to as a “junkjustment” or an “adjusticle.” We understand that it’s also referred to as “pocket pool.” One of our committee members reported that her husband refers to this as a “ballroom dance.” [e.g. Bob’s underwear was all bunched up, so he did a little “ballroom dance” to get his genitals into a more comfortable position in his pants.]

MEN: We don’t understand.

WOMEN: Effective immediately, all men (and boys) should wear clothing sufficiently thick or bulky to prevent this behavior. Two layers of thermal underwear or an adult nappy ( should do the trick.

MEN: Wait a second. All men are now supposed to wear two layers of thermal underwear (or an adult diaper)? It’s summer. Yesterday it was 103.

WOMEN: Yes, that’s correct. We want all the men to know how much we love and appreciate them, and we realize that this may result in some inconvenience, but it’s important that men avoid becoming walking porn.

MEN: But can’t women just control their thoughts?

WOMEN: I think I speak for all the women that have served on these committees when I say that I find that to be a pretty insensitive comment. We aren’t the ones running around with our chest flesh flapping in the wind, or adjusting our junk in front of the opposite sex.

MEN: Why aren’t you talking to women (and girls) about these issues?

WOMEN: We’ve looked into it, and all the women (and girls) are already behaving modestly. We haven’t seen a single problem in the last six months with man-boobs or adjusticles from women (or girls) in the stake. Modesty appears to be a problem that just the men are struggling with.

MEN: What about sports? We have the men’s basketball tournament this weekend?

WOMEN: Yes, you’re right. We should have mentioned that. These rules apply, of course, to all those participating in the tournament.

MEN: But this is ridiculous. Men don’t wear manssiers or Depends anywhere else?

WOMEN: I think it’s important that we recognize that there is a difference between The Lord’s standards and The World’s standards. I want the men in this room to ask themselves if they really want to be responsible for causing women in this stake to sin?

[Note: After three weeks of attending church in manssiers and adult diapers, a number of men developed interesting rashes. At least two men suffered significant discomfort when their scrotums became stuck to their inner thighs and they were unable to adjust “things” in a timely fashion. The ward modesty committee determined, however, that these inconveniences were  worth it  if they helped the women of the ward maintain virtuous thoughts. The women on the modesty committee reminded the men in the stake that the Lord would bless those that exercised exact obedience with respect to the new male modesty guidelines.]

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