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- Psaltery & Lyre’s New Site
- 123 Psaltery & Lyre: “Agricola Dreams of Flying” by J. Rose Lara
- 122 Psaltery & Lyre: “Communion: a love poem (a villanelle)” by Rachel Bollinger
- Book Review: Philip Metres’s Sand Opera
- 121 Psaltery & Lyre: Rachael Matthews, “Horsehead Nebula”
- Book Review: Monica Ong’s Silent Anatomies
- 120 Psaltery & Lyre: Rachael Matthews, “Return, pt. III” and “Gaia”
- Book Review: Claudia Rankine’s Don’t Let Me Be Lonely
- Book Review: Matthea Harvey, If the Tabloids Are True What Are You?
- Book Review: LoterÃa Cards and Fortune Poems: A Book of Lives
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Columns Archive
Favorites: Business Lunch
I asked a group with an empty chair if I could sit with them. A young man’s smile put me... -
Favorites: “Aren’t you afraid you’re going to turn him gay?”
I’ve really enjoyed sharing snippets of our family’s life in Knit Together this year. So I decided to re-run this... -
Favorites: Fancy
It was hard to choose a favorite post for the Doves & Serpents one-year anniversary celebration this week. I thought... -
Favorites: Will you be my Valentine?
[My parents] have taught me to be aware of the world and to care about what’s going on even if... -
The Go-To Goddess
“What does God look like?” I asked my little girl as I tucked her into bed. “Well, he is old,... -
And Wiser Too
I’ve taken to describing Doves and Serpents as a “blog about religion and culture where I write a column once... -
Walk to Church in Arlington, Virginia
Today’s Walk to Church comes to us from Elizabeth, Erin’s dear friend, who lives in Arlington, VA. ; My husband... -
13 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: My Journey to the Cheap Seats (Guest)
I was struck by how much I needed to hear that there were other people in my section. I... -
Good Eye
Today’s Cipher on the Wall comes to us from Corktree, today’s guest for The Exponent and Doves and Serpent Blog... -
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
[Guest Post from Starfoxy, as part of the Doves & Serpents and The Exponent Blog Swap. Starfoxy blogs at The... -
Assertiveness Training
I knew that even small acts of assertiveness would be important. Maybe it didn’t change the world but for that... -
The Genetics of Love
Guest Post from Whoa-man as part of the The Exponent and Doves and Serpents swap. Hi, I am Whoa-man from... -
And It Was All Yellow
When I was 27 I met my first orphan. She lived in Brazil. She was in a bare room with... -
Ride to Church in Macedonia
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us from Jessawhy, today’s guest for The Exponent and Doves and Serpents Blog Swap.... -
12 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Moral Imagination (Guest)
[Heidi, a fellow cheap-seater, still has the floor.] In an earlier Cheap Seats post, Brent asked “Why do we spend... -
Finding Peace
Forgiveness. As babies and young children, we can’t help but forgive those that wrong us. We have no... -
The Worth of a Soul
I grew up in Huntsville, Texas-the city where death row inmates are ultimately executed. Growing up, lots of people I... -
Screenplays as Literature
“Novelists, poets and playwrights make literature; screenwriters make changes.” So jokes Scott Burns in a recent column titled “From Script... -
Coming Soon
We are pleased to announce … -
My Only Hope
A very wise woman told me recently that part of loving someone was giving them the room to be disappointed... -
Our First Speaker? Me!
Last Sunday, I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting. It had been four years since I had been asked to... -
Ride to Rocky Mountain Retreat
Today’s ride to church comes to us from Paula, our favorite Ride to Church veteran. ; I have one last... -
11 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Modesty? (Guest)
[This week we pass the microphone to Heidi, a fellow cheap-seater. Heidi, it’s all yours. . .] Like many... -
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren . . .
Every once in a while, I meet someone who is just plain old good. Without guile. My friend... -
The Wish Tree
I had my five year old daughter with me and I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t get her... -
GradeSpeed: Friend or Foe?
I think I was a freshman in high school when I got my first C-in Algebra II-on my report card.... -
A Chronology of Pop Culture Heroines
Part One, ages 6 to 18 -
Like a Rolling Stone
by Randy B “[S]eek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7 A... -
Meditation Station
If you were to open your green hymnbook emblazoned with that nifty gold Tabernacle organ icon to page hymn #144,... -
Church Walk/Ride in Austin, Texas
We recently took a family trip to Austin, Texas. Oddly, I have spent nearly 30 years living in Texas and... -
Book Lover
I’m not afraid to admit it. I have a problem. I’m addicted to books. I thought I had kept it... -
White as Snow
To me, these white clothing traditions are cultural in nature and are just part of being a Mormon, but to... -
Ride to Church in Vlora and Old Dukat, Albania
Today’s stunning Ride to Church comes to us from my friend Eralda, who took these pictures in Albania (her home... -
The kids and I began this school year with everything organized and ready. Clothes, backpacks, lunches — all ready to... -
The Windows of Heaven Shut: A Historic Moment Denied By A Publication Called LDS Newsroom Blog
This post comes to Doves & Serpents from Atticus F. McConkie. Joanna Brooks, a respected author and scholar, and faithful... -
10 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: The WORST Talks Ever
Based on an informal poll of cheap seaters, these are the worst conference talks, GA talks, and other official pronouncements... -
Crash Test
The thought of any inexperienced driver in charge of a 4,000 pound machine makes me very nervous, but anticipating my... -
Knit Together: Back to School Edition
I love back-to-school season. I love it because it means my kids will be back in school and not at... -
I Feel Fine
This week, in video form: 1. Everything was going surpisingly well … 2. And then everything seemed to break —... -
Getting Glenn Beck’s Blessing
Glenn Beck: How many warnings do you think you’re going to get, and how many warnings do you deserve? This... -
Ride to Church in Queens, NY
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us from my very smart and beautiful 16-year-old niece, Synneve. This post has been... -
09 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Faith is the Miracle
Faith doesn’t affect anything. It doesn’t cause anything. Faith is a commitment to see the world in a particular way.... -
Staff Stacks
Check out what the Doves and Serpents writers are into now! -
Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on your Wrath
Is anyone else skeptical when older people who have been married for a long time say that they have never... -
On Starting High School
Dear Kennedy, Today is your first day as a high school freshman. This is madness. When we dropped you off... -
08 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: Painting by the Numbers
It’s about the process, not the outcome. Painting by the numbers, regardless of how carefully, isn’t the same as painting... -
Doubting Thomas & Me
“Faith is like a little seed. If planted it will grow,” sing the Primary children. The Book of Alma extends... -
Pauli’s (Train) Ride to the Rocky Mountains
Today’s Ride to Church comes to us from Pauli from Highlandlake/Mead, Colorado. ; I haven’t attend formal church services now...