77 Psaltery & Lyre: Christen Mattix, For Longing [Cyanotype Blue]

For Longing [Cyanotype Blue]                                                                          peony-wide-angle-3                                    

I sit still
in hopes of running
into you.   All night
and all day
I never stop calling
your name, hovering
like incense caught
in my hair.
Your absence fills the sky
like contrails, stretches out
as a shadow at sundown.
…the stupid distractions,
tire tracks cut
internal landscape…
I touch catkins,
measure the sky
between each leaf,
watch the swallow scissor
its way from roof
to lawn, leaving
an invisible line, decipher
Unwrapped your gift and carefully preserved
your fingerprints stuck
to the tape like mushroom
spores or the dust
of a moth wing.






“For Longing” is a theater of the imagination that includes writing, photography, and knitting.  As part of the project, Christen Mattix is knitting a half-mile long “stream” to the sea, connecting herself with the Infinite. For photos and daily updates of the project, visit christenmattix.wordpress.com.