74 Psaltery & Lyre: Theric Jepson, “Being a High-School Teacher Is a Great Disguise”




Being a High-School Teacher Is a Great Disguise


to Tess Taylor who,
for the record,
was great

Being a high-school teacher is a great disguise-
Sure, I’m a B-level celebrity
Approached by people in the grocery store
Whose son apparently took my course
Some years before

But when I invite a poet in-to speak to my class-
They don’t think to google me
To see who I know or what I’ve done.
Why would they?
He is only a teacher.

And so I sit invisible and watch them ply their trade
Spilling words into young laps and
Talking of Robert Haas,
Who too lives just up the hill.


Theric Jepson is a Mormon arts gadfly. His own Mormon work appears in all the regular spots (Irreantum, Sunstone, Dialogue) and a few unexpected ones (eg, SF Weekly), and he has published others’ work in volumes such as The Fob Bible, Fire in the Pasture, and Monsters & Mormons. Information on his novel Byuck  and other publications, Mormon or not, can be found at thmazing.com

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