67 Psaltery & Lyre: Theric Jepson, “God”




was here this morning while I was out
(I had the date wrong on the calendar)

But he put away the dishes and vacuumed the kids’ rooms
and even alphabetized the imperishables before
I guess he had to leave-

As I came in with the groceries, I could feel His Lingering
Presence, and after getting the milk and eggs
and discounted fish into the fridge,
I was careful to put the refried beans between the pintos and the tuna,
and to put the Vienna sausages all the way at the end.


Theric Jepson is a Mormon arts gadfly. His own Mormon work appears in all the regular spots (Irreantum, Sunstone, Dialogue) and a few unexpected ones (eg, SF Weekly), and he has published others’ work in volumes such as The Fob Bible, Fire in the Pasture, and Monsters & Mormons. Information on his novel Byuck  and other publications, Mormon or not, can be found at thmazing.com

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