37 A Mormon in the Cheap Seats: The 1800s Called

The 1800s called. . . they want their magazine back. Here’s a link:  http://www.lds.org/friend/2012/08/women-are-important-in-the-church!?lang=eng.

I’ve included a PDF below (just in case someone comes to their senses and takes this down before too many people see it). A couple comments (between the lines):

Women Are Important in the Church!

I try to envision  what was going through the author’s mind as he or she typed the exclamation point at the end of that sentence. . . I can’t do it.

The members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles [all men] are special witnesses of Jesus Christ [and  therefore tasked with running the church,  and that includes periodically assuring women they are important, even though men are in charge of everything].”

Women Are Important in the Church!

. . . just in case the title wasn’t enough.

Women are daughters of our heavenly father [why does their dad get all the credit?], who loves them [because this point needs clarification].”

God placed within women divine qualities of strength, virtue, and love [and we recommend that all women watch this Stuart Smalley clip every morning. . . and avoid reading a “dangerous” feminist propoganda]”

Wives are equal to their husbands. Wives and husbands work side by side to meet the needs of the family.

But don’t forget who’s in charge while you’re working side by side (i.e. “fathers are to preside over their families”).  And before you get any ideas, we want to  point out that “mothers are primarily responsible for the  nurture of their children” (and that includes having dinner on the table and doing the  laundry, dammit).   See The Family: A Proclamation to the World.  

Women of the Chuch today are strong and faithful [did you watch  the Stuart Smalley clip this morning?]”

Much of what we accomplish in the Church is due to the selfless service of women [because, as is the case in almost every organization, there are those in charge, and then there are those that do the actual work. . . as the saying goes, behind every selfless women is a priesthood holder with the proper authority]”

Latter-day Saint Women are incredible! [back to the Stuart Smalley clip. . .]”

Last  comment:  What.The.Hell?  No one, at any point,  with any editorial  responsibility, stopped  to think  that maybe  this article wasn’t a good idea? No one?    Seriously?

[Last Post: 36 Truth or The Onion?]