Stephanie’s Walk to “Church”

Today’s “Ride to Church” comes to us from Stephanie Durden Edwards of Missouri.   Stephanie writes:


My Sundays used to look and feel a whole lot different than they do now.   Rushing around to have lesson materials ready, wrestling toddlers into dress shoes and tights, hoping that the crockpot was turned on so that dinner would be ready once we finally returned home after several hours in the car, sitting through hours of classes, followed by more meetings after Church.

These days, Sundays operate at a completely different speed.   There are some things I miss, certain familiar trappings that will forever be a part of who I am.
But on the days when I want to feel closest to God, I find myself walking through nature, gazing through forest canopy into clear blue skies.   Here my questions and wonderings about the nature of God matter little.   Here I feel peace, tranquility, and a reverent quiet separate from the rest of the world.

This is Cave Hollow Park in central Missouri.
