(And of course, part of me is filled with anticipation because there are so many things about the holiday season that I love. I just have to white knuckle my way through some of it!)
So throughout this busy month, we here at Doves and Serpents would like to share some stories of what we’re calling encounters–moments or exchanges with people, whether strangers, family members, or acquaintances–when we felt like we really connected with someone in an unusual way. Or when someone really reached out to us in an unanticipated way and gave us exactly the kind of attention or service we needed.
Or, perhaps we can also share stories of times when we neglected to take the steps necessary to allow those moments or exchanges to take place. Times when we rushed along on our merry way, too busy with our hectic lives and schedules to be trifled with stopping to help someone in need.
To kick us off, I’ll just post a link here to an amazing encounter someone just shared with me from the New York Times, of a time when a man left his bags in a NYC cab and set off in search of them. Trust me; it’s worth your five minutes.
For the next 3 weeks (through Friday, December 21, 2012), we’d love for you to share any encounters you’ve had. Selected submissions will be published on Doves & Serpents. Submissions should be sent to guest guestposts@dovesandserpents.org (please see our guest post guide).
Here is a list of themes and archived posts:
–Encounters (Invitation, Archive)
–Single Experiences (Invitation, Archive)
–Unexpected Spiritual Exerpiences (Invitation, Archive)
–Teaching Sex (Invitation, Archive)
–Unexpected Spiritual Exerpiences (Invitation, Archive)
–Teaching Sex (Invitation, Archive)
Please email us if you have any additional questions: brent@dovesandserpents.org or heather@dovesandserpents.org.