Grondahl Restored 6: Caption Contest!

Caption Contest

Tell us what your caption for this cartoon would be, in the comments below.

If you know what the original caption was, don’t tell us. The idea is to be creative, not to be a smarty pants.

The prize– well, there is no prize, but you’ll have bragging rights. :)

Winner will be chosen by D&S bloggers by Friday evening. D&S bloggers can submit captions , but they can’t win.

I’ll add the original with the caption next Friday.

If you’d like to see other cartoons in this series go to

This cartoon, as always, is posted with the kind permission of    The Sunstone  Foundation, the publisher, and  Calvin Grondahl.

Edited to add the original version of the cartoon:

I remember how SHOCKING this cartoon was when it came out. Because of this cartoon Deseret Books quit carrying any of Grondahl’s books.