
We were on our way to church as a family,   and   I thought it would be a good opportunity for everyone to share in the ‘lunch experience.”   So I was a bit disappointed when no one was waiting at the I-20 exit ramp like I anticipated.

Wait- anticipated?   Usually I dreaded someone being there.   In my Sunday Best, on my way to worship God, I felt like a hypocrite avoiding their eyes, trying not to read the signs.   “Homeless Veteran- please help” or “HIV positive and no where to go.”   Didn’t I just give a lesson on how King Benjamin taught us we are all beggars?

So this anticipation was a welcome shift.   I felt almost giddy as we got off the highway…… then deflated when the corner was empty.

But after we turned the corner and drove along Lee Street, I noticed a tall middle-aged black man in a blanket and dreadlocks walking up to the bus stop. We were stopping at the light as we pulled along side him. He glanced at me and I smiled at him through the window but he looked away. He walked up to the bus stop bench and sat down. There was a plate of food there which appeared to be from the local sandwich shop, probably left there by someone getting on the bus- it looked like mostly cole-slaw.   The man picked it up and started eating. When the light changed we were able to pull up and I rolled down the window. He instantly put down the plate and stood up, approached and accepted the lunch with thanks.

The older kids didn’t say much, but the four year old pipes up, “Mommy and Daddy, when I grow up, I want to be a homeless person so Mommy will give me a lunch.”