Who Voted for Obama? 15 Minutes on Google

Who Voted for Obama? 15 Minutes on Google

Time Limit: 15 minutes (11/9/2012)
Tools: Google


Voters with at least a college degree-40% of all likely voters-voted for Obama (47% to 39%).

1/3 of voters have an active passport.   Of that group, 48% for Obama, 38% for Romney.



Here are the 10 poorest states in 2011, according to the WSJ, starting with the poorest:

Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Oklahoma

 9 of these states  voted for Romney



Richest states (by income):

Maryland, Alaska, New Jersey, Connecticut, District of Columbia (counting it as a state), Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Virginia, Hawaii, Delaware, California

9 of these states went for Obama



Postgraduate study: Obama   +13% (55% to 42%)

42% of those making $250k a year voted for Obama

47% of those making $200-250K

44% of all those making $100k or more a year

55% of women

62% of those living in cities of more than 50,000



