There are stacks of books and CDs on almost every flat surface of my house. Next to my bed is a tantalizing stack of; books I haven’t read yet. Beside the books waiting in the wings are the recently read, which I’m; not quite ready to put away. On top of those, is a stack of books and music for every mood; — music for sad days, music for thinking and music that makes me remember exactly how I felt when I was 14, 18, 26. There are;books on parenting, Buddhism and Mormonism, books I’ve read a hundred times, books that make me cry and books that make me laugh. Join me every Tuesday to dig into my stacks. We’ll revisit old favorites, the books and music that have changed and defined our lives as well as new favorites and treasures yet to be found.
– October 4, 2010
I love this visual, both the literal picture above and the one you painted in my head. I have a real reverence for bookshelves. They hold so many important experiences and ideas, many of which I have revisited more than once. I consider my shelves my altars, where I commune with my connections. I have rituals based around my shelves. There are books I read when I am feeling alone, notebooks I write in when my children say funny things, essential oils I burn to uplift my spirit. I am looking forward to seeing what will come in the stacks here.
This is awesome. :-)