01 Dear Jack

We here at D&S are really excited to introduce you to our newest contributor, Jack Mormon, and our new advice column, Dear Jack. Recently, we sat down with Jack to have a chat about the new column and what the readers can

D&S: Hello! Welcome to D&S, we are so glad you joined us.

Jack: Thanks, I’m really glad to be here.

D&S: So tell us about this new column.

Jack: Well, I’m inviting D&S readers to send in their questions about life and religion and I am going to do my best to give them good advice each week.

D&S: Are you just going to be answering questions about Mormons or being a Mormon?

Jack: I hope not! I hope to answer questions about families, parenting, sex, religion — really anything to do with relationships. Being Mormon is more than just BEING MORMON, you know.  I’m out there living life real life and searching for truth, just like anyone else.   And, I’m middle-aged, so I’ve been through quite a bit–you know, being fired from your job, not knowing what to do with my life, career changes, a bad sex life, difficult marriages, divorce, parents getting older. . . I’ve gone through some of that or friends and family have gone through it.

D&S: I hope this won’t offend you, but why would someone come to you? Jack Mormons aren’t known for their orthodoxy.

Jack: Well, I come from a Mormon background and because I grew up Mormon, I know something about conservative religious backgrounds and some of the challenges that come along with that. It doesn’t matter if you are Buddhist, or Catholic, or whatever, I might be able to say something useful.

D&S: So are you a Cafeteria Mormon?

Jack: (Laughing.) Aren’t we all?

D&S: This might seem like a strange question, but are you a man or a woman?

Jack: Not strange at all, but I’m not telling. (Laughs.) I could be one person or many.

D&S: Isn’t there already a Mormon advice column?

Jack: There’s a few. Ask Mormon Girl is a great one. It’s by Joanna Brooks. I’m sure there’s room for both of us, though. Besides, as I said before, I’m hoping to tackle all kinds of topics that have to do with life and religion, not just issues related to Mormonism.

D&S: Well, welcome aboard! We’re excited to have you join us.

Jack: I’m looking forward to it.

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